Alternate Title


Definition: An alternative name for the resource.

ArchivesSpace Field:

DPLA Obligation: Optional

Repeatable: True

Range: String

Input Guidelines

Access Guidelines

DPLA MAP v4 Usage: Any alternative title of the described resource including abbreviations and translations.

Alternative title of the resource. This may include a translated title, the long form of a title that was shortened in the Title field, or alternate ways of presenting the value found in the Title field. For translated titles, enter the title that appears on the resource in the Title field and enter the translated title in this field.

Separate multiple entries with a semicolon followed by a space.


Title Alternate Title Notes
Kursus der klassischen baukunst. Die fünf ordnungen Kursus der klassischen baukunst. Die fünf ordnungen, eine vollständige zerlegung derselben auf grundlage des decimalsystems und ihre praktische verwerthung The full title of the resources is very long, so a shortened version of the title is entered into the Title field and the full title is entered into the Alternate Title field. If there was a translation of this title, it would also be entered in the Alternate Title field as an additional entry.
Actualité. Les Trois Larrons Current Affairs: The Three Thiefs An English translation of the French title that appears on the piece is entered into the Alternate Title field
The Blue Bonnet, Vol. 3, No. 16, 1936-04-25 The Blue Bonnet, Vol. III, No. XVI, 1936-04-25 The title of this newsletter is entered according to the Title input guidelines which includes changing Roman numerals to Arabic numerals. If the original numbers on the piece are Roman numerals, the title of the resource is repeated in Alternative Title with Roman numerals instead of Arabic numerals

Preservation Guidelines

This field is not included in the preservation package.