

Definition: A point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the resource.

ArchivesSpace Field:

DPLA Obligation: Strongly Recommended

Repeatable: True

Range: EDTF Date

Input Guidelines

DPLA MAP v4 Usage: Date value as supplied by Data Provider.

Access Guidelines

Enter the date of creation at the most specific level available.

Enter the date in Extended Date/Time Format. Only enter valid EDTF dates.


EDTF Natural language
1975-01-07 January 7, 1975
1945? 1945?
1981~ approximately 1981
1981% approximately 1981?
1940~/1950~ approximately 1940-approximately 1950 (see note below)
1975-23 Fall 1975
197X 1970s
19XX 1900s
1981/1985 1981-1985
[1888, 1889, 1891] 1888, 1889 or 1891
{1888, 1889, 1891} 1888, 1889 and 1891

Early, late, and mid dates

Where Y’s represent the century or decade:

Dates EDTF Natural language Example
Early century YY00~/YY30~ approximately YY00-approximately YY30 Early 18th century = 1700~/1730~ = approximately 1700-approximately 1730
Mid-century YY30~/YY70~ approximately YY30-approximately YY70 Mid 19th century = 1830~/1870~ = approximately 1830-approximately 1870
Late century YY70~/YY99~ approximately YY70-approximately YY99 Late 20th century = 1970~/1999~ = approximately 1970-approximately 1999
Early decade YYY0~/YYY3~ approximately YYY0-approximately YYY3 Early 1940s = 1940~/1943~ = approximately 1940-approximately 1943
Mid-decade YYY3~/YYY7~ approximately YYY3-approximately YYY7 Mid 1950s = 1953~/1957~ = approximately 1943-approximately 1947
Late decade YYY7~/YYY9~ approximately YYY7-approximately YYY9 Late 1940s = 1947~/1949~ = approximately 1947-approximately 1949


Preservation Guidelines

A date associated with the original item, usually the date of creation of the original.

For archival projects, data in this field is automatically populated from the date field (specifically, the ISO-normalized begin/end date fields) of the associated ArchivesSpace item. For standard projects, there is no data in this field.