

Definition: An account of the resource.

ArchivesSpace Field:

DPLA Obligation: Optional

Repeatable: False

Range: String

Input Guidelines

Access Guidelines

DPLA MAP v4 Usage: Includes but is not limited to: an abstract, a table of contents, or a free-text account of described resource.

The level of resource description will be determined by the project curator. If the title of the resource provides adequate description, this field may be left blank. It is not necessary to repeat information from the Title field in Description.

When applicable, take description directly from the source when it is available. If no description is provided, summarize item in a brief sentence or two.


Captions and inscriptions

Include caption(s) and/or insciption(s) in this field. Caption/inscription statement may reflect where it is found on the item if it is necessary to clarify.

When transcribing text from a resource:


Preservation Guidelines

This field is not included in the preservation package.